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Maldives - A Journey Through History from Its Ancient Origins

Writer's picture: Ab Latheef Ab AzeezAb Latheef Ab Azeez

The Maldives

A tropical paradise nestled in the Indian Ocean, is renowned for its stunning coral atolls, azure waters, and luxurious resorts. Yet, beneath this idyllic facade lies a rich and fascinating history that stretches back over a thousand years. In this article, we will embark on a journey through time to explore the captivating history of the Maldives, from its ancient beginnings to the modern era.

Mulee'aage- constructed around 300 years ago
Mulee'aage- constructed around 300 years ago

Ancient Origins:

The history of the Maldives begins with its earliest settlers, believed to have arrived around 1500 BCE. These early inhabitants were likely of Dravidian origin and engaged in fishing and agriculture. The Maldives' strategic location along ancient trade routes made it a crossroads for seafaring merchants from India, Sri Lanka, and Arabia.

Buddhism and Early Dynasties:

Around the 3rd century BCE, Buddhism found its way to the Maldives. The islands became a Buddhist stronghold, and numerous stupas and monasteries were constructed. The period from the 3rd to the 12th century CE saw the rise of various Buddhist dynasties, such as the Maurya and Gupta empires.

Islamic Conversion:

The Maldives' conversion to Islam in the 12th century is a pivotal moment in its history. Legend has it that an Islamic saint, Abul Barakat Yoosuf al-Barbari, arrived and played a significant role in this conversion. Since then, Islam has been deeply ingrained in the Maldivian culture and remains the predominant religion to this day.

gdh. vaadhoo thiri miskiy
Gdh. Vaadhoo Thiri Miskiy 12/3/1993

Portuguese and Colonial Period:

The 16th century brought European powers into the Indian Ocean, with the Portuguese establishing a presence in the Maldives. Their influence was marked by religious persecution and economic exploitation. However, the Maldivian people, under the leadership of Muhammad Thakurufaanu, managed to drive the Portuguese out in 1573.

Utheemu Ganduvaru
Utheemu Ganduvaru

British Protectorate and Independence:

In the 19th century, the Maldives came under British protection, and a treaty was signed in 1887, making the islands a British protectorate. During this period, the Maldives' sovereignty was limited. It was not until 1965 that the Maldives gained full independence from British rule and became a republic.

Modern Development:

Since gaining independence, the Maldives has made remarkable progress in various sectors, including tourism, infrastructure, and education. The tourism industry, in particular, has grown exponentially, transforming the Maldives into a world-renowned travel destination.

Challenges and Environmental Concerns:

Despite its stunning beauty and development, the Maldives faces unique challenges, most notably the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change. The country is one of the world's most vulnerable to sea-level rise, prompting it to take a leading role in advocating for climate action on the international stage.

Underwater Cabinet Meeting, Pres Nasheedh. 17 October 2009
Underwater Cabinet Meeting, Pres Nasheedh. 17 October 2009

The history of the Maldives is a tale of resilience, transformation, and adaptation. From its ancient origins as a Buddhist kingdom to its conversion to Islam and subsequent colonial periods, the Maldives has evolved into a modern nation while retaining its unique culture and natural beauty. As it faces the challenges of the 21st century, the Maldives continues to captivate the world with its rich history and breathtaking landscapes.



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